Students, Volunteers Create Urban Hub Farm on Earth Day

Middle and high school students throughout Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) spent Earth Day weeding, shoveling wood chips, planting bio retentions, building flower beds and clearing vines at A. Mario Loiederman Middle School and Weller Elementary School.

1.000 volunteers, including students, MCPS staff and volunteers from Habit for Humanity and other organizations, spent Monday creating the school district’s Resilience, Education, Action, Climate, Habitat (REACH) urban farm.

The day was an asynchronous learning day for students, and many chose to spend their out of school time helping out at the two schools in Silver Spring.

The REACH Hub was developed by MCPS in partnership with the Charles Koiner Conservancy for Urban Farming in Silver Spring.

When everything is built and the plants ripen, the hub is expected to support food production, climate resilience and provide an accessible resource for more than 17,000 students in 20 MCPS schools that are within two miles of the schools.

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