Department of Transportation Suspends Some Parking Enforcement During Health Crisis

The Bonifant/Dixon Garage located at 1101 Bonifant St. in Silver Spring and the Auburn/Del Ray Garage at 4910 Auburn Avenue in Bethesda will now offer free parking.

Montgomery County’s Department of Transportation plans to suspend and relax parking enforcement amid the COVID-19 health crisis, according to a press release.

In Residential Permit zones that consist of non-metered, on-street parking, parking enforcement has been suspended. For the remainder of the COVID-19 health crisis, any vehicles without residential permits may park in those areas. 

The Department of Transportation has also extended free parking to assist residents who are required to stay at home due to the crisis. Two parking garages, the Bonifant/Dixon Garage located at 1101 Bonifant St. in Silver Spring and the Auburn/Del Ray Garage at 4910 Auburn Avenue in Bethesda, will now offer free parking. 

In areas where businesses such as to-go restaurants, pharmacies, and grocers are open to the public, meter enforcement will be relaxed, the press release said. Abuse of the relaxed enforcement and long-term parking in metered and short-term spaces will result in citations. 

“Through continued enforcement activity, we are actively discouraging long-term parking near businesses that remain open to serve our resident’s needs,” said MCDOT Director Chris Conklin in the press release. “Vehicles remaining in these spaces for an extended time are harming struggling businesses and limiting access to the services residents need.” 

The Department of Transportation will be enforcing all other typical parking violations. Parking in restricted areas, spots designated for the disabled and handicapped, and violating safety-related regulations will all lead to citations. These violations will be “strictly enforced” according to the press release, in order to protect public safety. 

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